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Dear Mary,
I have to say that I am in gratitude each and every day for the life that I am living, it truly is wonderful! However, like most people, I truly desire more financial abundance in my life in order to travel and to have my own cabin in the mountains. Do you see that coming for me soon?
Eternally Hopeful
P.S....could you send me your question before the column comes out? Although I'm Eternally Hopeful, I'm also Extremely Impatient!
Dear Eternally Hopeful and Extremely Impatient,
The Powers That Be offer a big MAYBE to your question, Do you see that coming for me soon? Whatever you allow to happen, will happen. It may be. What could speed the process, you ask? Well, the Powers That Be have a question for you: If you press down on that gas pedal, where will you end up? What direction are you going in now? Is your heart in it?
Dont set up camp where you truly dont want to settle. Let your heart point you in the right direction first; then, step on that accelerator!
A further clue as to when it will happen: Choose your direction wisely, and then Spring into action!
Archetype at play: The Judge
Are you weighing your options?
Dear Mary,
I see signs of things manifesting; then I see roadblocks popping up. I seem to vacillate between fear and the joy of things going in my direction. How do I prevent panic and anxiety from being my travel companions? I am a divorced, single mom with nobody to support me but myself.
On the Road but Going Nowhere Fast
Dear On the Road but Going Nowhere Fast,
Remember that you are not alone. You have soul mates, not necessarily romantic ones, so get by with a little help from your friends! Your soul mates here on earth agreed in heaven to give you heavenly help while all of you are incarnated on earth. Lean on them, heavily! They await your commands. A roadblock is easier to push away when the strength of many is applied. Help is only a phone call or e-mail away. When you have hit enough blocks, rejoice! You now know the territory and how best to navigate it.
So join the pack, but remember to howl your own personal call to the moon! What to sing? Look for signs everywhere, in the stars, the palms, the blank slates of stones. New ideas and inspiration are ready to burst forth from you they are at the tip of your tongue. Your path is to teach, and to teach is to show the way. When you share your stories about overcoming roadblocks, you show others the way. You are the wolf, and you will become the moonlight, too, shining a light on the path. Find other pathfinders and share your journeys!
Songs: The CD Highway Companion by Tom Petty
Animal: The Wolf
Dear Mary,
My daughter is going abroad for the school year. Shes never been away from me before. Is she going to thrive and enjoy her experience or is he going to be disappointed and lonely?
Fingers Crossed
Dear Fingers Crossed,
Please relay this message from the Powers That Be to your daughter:
Prepare for your journey by unpacking. Unpack your soul, cleanse it and purify it, by releasing your deep abiding sadness. It is okay, dear one, to let your tears flow. Water is life! Release yourself from obligations, even fun ones, and take time to ready yourself for wonderful adventures ahead and memories-in-the-making by clearing out old negative memories and emotions. Let whatever arises come out of you.
Then go, with a clear heart, mind, and soul, and soak up the warmth of exciting new experiences!
Animal: Frog, who loves water.
Please contact Dear Mary with your questions at Dear Mary will answer as many questions as possible in as timely a manner as possible in her columns. The identity of all question writers will be kept anonymous.