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Instead of making several promises and new year's resolutions at a time, make it easy on yourself. To achieve a happy, sustainable and healthy lifestyle, why not focus on just one resolution to work on each month? Here are some suggestions you can try;
Month 1: Rest, relax, play.
Start the year right by focusing on yourself. Reserve time for reviving a favorite hobby or learning a new one. Hobbies unleash your creativity and relieve your stress. Your hobby might even bring you extra cash if you're really good at it. You can check out online resources for money-making ideas or home-based businesses.
Month 2: Give up a bad habit
Resolve to give up one bad habit this month. Every day, do one thing to ease the discomfort of dropping a destructive habit. Addicted to soda? Give up your lunchtime soda habit first and then move on to your dinnertime soda.
Month 3: Leave the office on time
The spring break will help you enforce this resolution. Leave work early enough so you can spend more time with yourself or your family. Remember, there will always be things to do at work no matter how often you work overtime.
Month 4: Get moving
You can pay for a weight-loss-program or you can burn calories in a more cost-friendly way. Here's how: Walk, climb, run. Get off at the next taxi stop rather than the one right in front of your office building. Take the stairs. Instead of watching TV after dinner, get a walk or run around the block.
Month 5: Go green
The world celebrates World Environment day every 5th of June. Do your share even in a small way. Segregate waste, recycle papers and bottles, and save earth's limited sources. Definitely a perfect way to have a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.
Month 6: Eat healthy
Good nutrition means eating healthy foods. Make sure to come up with a healthy diet plan that associates healthy eating groups such as vegetables, healthy protein, healthy oils, plenty of fluids, fruits and whole grains. Minimize eating processed foods and you should have fresh foods served every day.
Month 7: Save money
Set this month for a budget review. If you've been living from payday to payday, start saving now. Put aside a small amount a day and save them each month. Better yet, apply a banking service that automatically transfers money from your salary account to your savings account.
Month 8: Control your temper
Work on controlling your temper and being more patient in times of arguments or circumstances. Identify and remove your triggers. To effectively manage your temper, take time to think before saying anything, express your emotion in a no confrontational way, spend some time to do enjoyable things, give yourself a break and most importantly, work on resolving the problem instead of focusing on the problem.
Month 9: De-clutter
Anticipate the deluge of new stuff and clothes during payday or holidays by freeing closet space. Get huge boxes for items to throw, fix, sell or donate. A more orderly household equals greater efficiency and less stress.
Month 10: Celebrate life and appreciate what you have
Celebrate life and have fun doing enjoyable activities with your loved ones. Focus on the positive and set aside the negative ones. Always have something to look forward to everyday and appreciate all the blessings in your life.
Moreover, the key to a happy and healthy lifestyle is about making step by step changes in your diet, daily activities and mindset.